Articles & News

Supercharge your Communication

Supercharge your Communication

Human beings need to communicate. It is the mechanism through which we build and maintain the relationships, groups, and communities essential to our survival. This includes our businesses. Some studies report that up to 80% of a worker’s day is spent communicating

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Psychosocial Hazards: A guide for SME business owners

Psychosocial Hazards: A guide for SME business owners

According to the occupational health and safety definition, the term ‘psychosocial hazards’ refers to “the aspects of design and management of work and its social, organisational context that may have the potential to cause psychological or physical harm.”

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What is ADHD and How Do I Know If I’m ADHD?

What is ADHD and How Do I Know If I’m ADHD?

While each person’s experiences with ADHD vary, difficulties often come from a lifetime of others not understanding us, being told we’re “Too much,” and challenges to focus, regulate our emotions, or maintain positive relationships.

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Addiction in the Workplace

Addiction in the Workplace

When we experience addiction, we are unable to stop pursuing the immediate feel-good sensation that certain substances or activities provide, even when we know it’s hurting our health, relationships, and professional performance. Often, this is driven by a need to escape emotional or physical discomfort. Over time, addictive behaviour can turn into a vicious cycle.

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What’s really stopping us from moving each day?

What’s really stopping us from moving each day?

What if we knew the words ‘Fitness’ and ‘Exercise’ were stopping us from moving each day? Fitness, Exercise, Training… What other words inspire you to say NO, stay planted on the couch… work late (now it’s too close to dinner to do anything)… wake up tired and hit snooze for the 3rd time…

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What is Neurodiversity: A Guide for Individuals and Organisations

What is Neurodiversity: A Guide for Individuals and Organisations

If you are neurodivergent, it means that your brain is wired to think, learn, solve problems, and interact with others in a way that is different from neurotypical people. New Zealand employers who embrace neurodiversity value and leverage unique skills and perspectives neurodivergent kaimahi (employees) bring to the table.

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I want to work on my fitness – please help me get started

I want to work on my fitness – please help me get started

Re-writing the fitness industry is something we’ve been doing at 09 Thrive for the past 11 years. Why?! You’re not the only one who has tried over and over again to set and carry out your fitness goals. Here’s to re-writing blame and shame into understanding and commitment.

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Managing Holiday Season Stress

Managing Holiday Season Stress

As the holiday season approaches, it’s a time of celebration and connection, but it can also bring stress and overwhelm. For business owners in Aotearoa, balancing work and festivities can be a challenging juggle

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Harnessing Grit

Harnessing Grit

Harnessing Grit: A guide to success in life and work. Within psychology, 'Grit' occupies an important position as a trait connected to productivity...

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Cognitive Biases

Cognitive Biases

Cognitive Biases: What are they, how do they work and how can you overcome them? Human cognition is a marvellously complex process. Our minds can...

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Radical Responsibility

Radical Responsibility

In our fast-paced, digitally-driven competitive world, the call to improve performance, deliver exceptional results, and drive innovation is louder...

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Dude, we need to talk

Dude, we need to talk

  Dude, we Need to Talk: A casual guide to encourage men’s dialogue on Mental Health. Historically, conversations around mental health have...

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What’s your Ikigai?

What’s your Ikigai?

Ikigai is a Japanese term that translates to “a reason for being” or “a purpose in life.” It is the intersection of four elements: what you love,...

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Let’s Flow!

Let’s Flow!

Flow is a state of mind that is often experienced by individuals who are fully immersed in a task that they enjoy. It is a mental state...

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The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

Why is positivity so important? And how do you grow yours? Find out here.  Positivity refers to our tendency to be optimistic in life. This...

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Taming the Burnout Monster

Taming the Burnout Monster

Making burnout the monster    Do you want to talk about burnout?  I’m guessing its not something you regularly discuss over your morning hot drink,...

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How To Overcome Stress

How To Overcome Stress

How to Overcome Stress  Five key steps (and lots of tips) for understanding and beating stress.  You know the feeling. You can't find the release...

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Client Coaching Case Study

Client Coaching Case Study

In early Dec 2021 I was suffering from a mid-life crisis, feeling scrambled and anxious, stuck, and uncertain.  My situation felt dire and urgent,...

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How to cope with loneliness

How to cope with loneliness

Many of us have had to navigate feelings of loneliness at one point or another. This loneliness may materialise as a small tug when you’re sitting...

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Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness Matters

What is your role at Resolution Retreats? As an Integrative Health Coach, I have a large focus on mental and emotional wellbeing and encouraging our...

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Burnout by Bree Nicholls

Burnout by Bree Nicholls

Guest writer and former burnout sufferer Bree Nicholls on the need to disconnect from certain areas of your life in order to reconnect with your...

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Do you need help now?

If you, or someone you know, requires crisis or emergency support, please reach out for help via the links below. You are not alone; there are FREE professional resources available to help you.