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Client Coaching Case Study

In early Dec 2021 I was suffering from a mid-life crisis, feeling scrambled and anxious, stuck, and uncertain.  My situation felt dire and urgent, as a result the stress manifested physically making me feel like I couldn’t successfully deal with everyday life.  I had a desire to run and hide.  

I had lost my power and confidence, and didn’t feel like I really fitted in or could be myself.  This chipped away at me.  Like everyone else, I had been through 18 months of the COVID pandemic.  I had lost a close friend to cancer in the previous year, as well as having young adult children still finding their independence, ageing parents, and friends going through major life challenges.  I was feeling out of sync with myself and my friends, making comparisons and always falling short by my own measures.  My husband and I had had some exciting plans fall through completely, and I felt a total lack of certainty about next steps and wasn’t hearing my intuition or knowing.  I felt disappointed and lost.  A friend who had worked with Pamela Hay suggested I call her. 

Over the following 10 months working with Pamela, I have made great strides.  She is a warm, caring, inspirational person and a highly skilled coach.  Her practical tools and guidelines enabled me to go through a deeply reflective process that has produced transformational results. Her searching questions have enabled me to see myself in a new light, and to let go of burdens I can choose not to carry.  She has helped me to go deep to discover recurring thoughts and patterns which hold me back and to deal with them with straightforward mind-body techniques. I am rediscovering my own uniqueness and optimism. 

Like anything worthwhile, the coaching process takes personal effort.  Pamela gently matched my struggles and revelations with wholeheartedness, expertise and full acceptance of who I am.  Acknowledging my own feelings whatever they were, rather than suppressing them or judging them, was critical.  As was showing myself compassion to allow me to process the feelings and let them go.   

Throughout the coaching process I found creating diagrams a good way to visually represent what I was learning.  One of the most significant benefits has been for me to hear my inner monologue, which has often been negative and undermining to me.  Now I notice automatic patterns and can remind myself that they are old unwanted thoughts and beliefs that I do not live by.  They no longer have free reign to take the joy out of my life. 

I am now resourced to support myself, with the skills and practices I’ve learned and give myself the time, space and care to ensure I make myself and my needs paramount.  As a result, I can better support others and can fully accept and appreciate the wonderful life that I have. 

Client, Wellington 2022


Pamela Hay started her successful Coaching Psychology Consultancy in 2004. Since that time she has helped many clients from different walks of life and the consultancy has grown steadily through word of mouth.
She combines expertise gleaned from a degree in psychology with ongoing training and extensive personal and professional experience motivating and helping people reach their goals.

Call Pamela Hay
021 803 296

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