How to Build a Healthy Lifestyle

How to Build a Healthy Lifestyle

Discover tips and ideas you can use to make your life healthier.  There is more than one way to stay healthy, and if you asked people around you what a healthy lifestyle is, chances are you’d get a different answer every time. This difference stems from the fact that...
Client Coaching Case Study

Client Coaching Case Study

In early Dec 2021 I was suffering from a mid-life crisis, feeling scrambled and anxious, stuck, and uncertain.  My situation felt dire and urgent, as a result the stress manifested physically making me feel like I couldn’t successfully deal with everyday life.  I had...
Habits…easy come, easy go…no more!

Habits…easy come, easy go…no more!

Last night, when I was doing exactly what I’d been telling myself all lockdown not to do – staying up later for no good reason once the kids had finally got to bed – checking emails, checking the news and getting a head start on today’s work until late into the...
How to cope with loneliness

How to cope with loneliness

Many of us have had to navigate feelings of loneliness at one point or another. This loneliness may materialise as a small tug when you’re sitting by yourself, or it could be more of an overwhelming feeling that never quite leaves you. Either way, it’s important to...